Political Parties

Political parties Voluntary association of group of individual who shares same political views and want power to gat desired goal [Const. means National Interest].

(i) Reactionary Parties

(Ii) Conservative Parties Leftist, Centrist, Rightist

(Iii) Liberal parties

(iv) Radical parties

PARTY SYSTEM IN INDIA The Indian party system has the following characteristic features:

1.          One party system – USSR [No opposition]

2.          Two Party System – USA & Britain

3.          Multi-Party System – Switzerland, Italy, India.

·           Size India (inc.)

·           Different culture (inc)

·           Geo, Bio, Socio, diversity (inc)

·           Multiparty system

·           After 16th L.S. election, 6 (N.P)

·           47 (S.P) + 1593 unregistered parties

·           Though Multiparty system 1947 – 1967 (Single Party dominance in India) –

o    Janta Party (1977)

o    Janta Dal (1989)

o    BJP – (1991)

Reason 1.          No clear cut ideology – quite similar Ideology.

2.          Charismatic power of leaders – called asa there are Polical personalities rather than political parties.

3.          Base on religious and regional – loose ground at National Level.

Emergence of Regional Parties o    BKP in Odissa, DMK & AIADMK – TN, Akali Dal Punjab etc. Played a important Role in coalition governments & hence were able to raise National issues.

o    But we see deviation in Political Parties like Congress, Janta Dal, and TDP etc. Due to Lust for power & Material consideration. So every time parties disintegrate & Merge.

o    Lack of effective opposition – failed to play a constructive Role.

RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL AND STATE PARTIES ·       To remove all the parties are registered for them & were given symbol and recognised as national/state – poll performance.

·       Recognition gave benefit such as – symbol, time for political broadcast on TV & Radio + access to electoral Rolls.

·       Only one proposer for filling nomination.

·       These parties are allowed to have 40 “star campaigners” during the time of elections and the registered–unrecognized parties are allowed to have 20 “star campaigners”.

·       The travel expenses of these star campaigners are not included in the election expenditure of the candidates of their parties.

·       National Party – Symbol of National party is throughout the country.

·       State Party – Symbol of State party is only state.

Conditions for Recognition as a National Party 1.      If it secures 6% of valid votes polled in any four or more states at a general election to the Lok Sabha or to the legislative assembly; and, in addition, it wins four seats in the Lok Sabha from any state or states.

2.      If it wins 2% of seats in the Lok Sabha at a general election; and these candidates are elected from three states.

3.      If it is recognised as a state party in 4 states.

Conditions for State Party 1.      If it secures 6% of the valid votes polled in the state at a general election and it wins 2 seats in the assembly of the state concerned.

2.      If it secures 6% of the valid votes polled in the state at a general election to the L. Sabha from the state concerned & 1 seat in the Lok Sabha from the state concerned.

3.      If it wins 3% of seats in the legislative assembly at a general election to the legislative assembly of the state concerned or 3 seats in assembly.

4.      If it secures 8% of the total valid votes polled in the state at a General Election.

5.   6 National parties, 47 State parties & 1593 registered-unrecognised parties in the country.

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