Parliamentary Groups


Introduction ·         Autonomous body

·         All member of Parliament (present or former member)

·         Founded in 1949

·         It is an international organisation of Parl. of sovereign states.

·         153 parliamentary of sovereign states of Internation organisation.

Objectives ·         Promote contacts b/w mem. of POI.

·         Arrange seminar, discussion, orientation courses.

·         Arrange lectures on political, defence, econ, social etc.

·         Visit to foreign country with a view to develop contacts with mem. of other Parl.

Composition ·         Open to all mem of parl.

·         Speaker – LS – ex- officio president

·         Dy sp –Dy Chairman – ex- officio vice present

·         General Secretary – LS – ex officio Secretary

Functions 1.       Group acts as connecting link between the Parliament of India and the various parliaments of the world.

2.       The Group functions as

a)       National Group of the IPU

b)       Main branch of the CPA in India.

3.       Seminars & symposia on parl. sub.

4.       Mem. of Parl. (6 month) go for parl. delegation.

Awards ·         Award of outstanding Parl.

·         Sp invites of the LS, invites & finalises the nomination for the award.

Group & IPU ·         International organisation of the Parl. of sovereign states.

·         Helps mem. Of Indian Parl. delegation to develop contacts with the Parl. of the Mem. Countries of the IPU.

·         Event provide an opportunity to study

·         facilities to meet

·         visiting

The Group & CPA Association of about 17000 common wealth Parl. spread over 175 National State, Provincial & Territorial Parl.

Understanding of constitutional, legislative, economic, social and cultural systems.

Advantages 1.       Conferences & seminars

2.       Publications

3.       Information

4.       Introductions

5.       Parliamentary Facilities

6.       Travel Facilities

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