Organization Theory Micro Topics List

UPSC Commerce & Accountancy Optional

Organization Theory Micro Topics: See the Organization theory micro topic list chapter wise in depth.



1.1 – The Introduction and Concept of Organizations

1.1.1 – Barnard Views on Organization as a System

1.2 – The Concept of Organizations

1.3 – The Perspective of Organizations

1.4 – The Features or Characteristics of an Organization

1.5 – The Organization as a System

1.6 – The Open System Theory

1.7 – Organizations and Biological Systems (Katz and Kahn)

1.8 – The Organization as a Process

1.9 – The Organization as a Structure and Framework of Relationships

1.10 – The Organizational Typologies

1.10.1 – Typology Based on Functions or Purpose

1.10.2 – Typology Based on Primary Beneficiary

1.10.3 – Typology Based on Control or Compliance

1.10.4 – Typology Based on Relations

1.10.5 – Typology Based on Structure

1.11 – Fayol’s 14 Principles of an Organization

1.12 – The Contributions and Limitations of Fayol

1.13 – The Process of Organization

1.14 – The Benefits or Merits of a Good Organization

1.15 – The Effective, Healthy, Good or Ideal Organization

1.16 – The Components of an Effective or Healthy Organization

1.17 – Developing an Effective or Healthy Organization

1.18 – The McKinsey 7S Framework

1.18.1 – The Application of McKinsey 7S Framework

1.18.2 – Example – The McKinsey 7S Framework

1.18.3 – The Merits and Limitations of McKinsey 7S Framework

1.19 – The Previous Year Questions and Practice Questions

Organization Theory Micro Topics List – CHAPTER – 02


2.1 – An Introduction to the Organizational Environment

2.2 – Organizational Environment and Its Impact on the Performance

2.3 – The Nature of Environment

2.4 – Factors Affecting the Organizational Environment

2.5 – Types of The Organizational Environment

2.6 – Elements of The Organizational Environment

2.7 – The PESTEL Analysis

2.8 – The Importance, Significance or Need of Organizational Environment

2.9 – The Strategies to Deal with Organizational Environment

2.10 – The Interaction of Organization with Its External Environment

2.11 – The Implications of Interaction of Organization with Its External Environment

2.12 – The Emery and Trist Typology of Environment

2.13 – The Resource Dependency Theory

2.14 – The Bounded Rationality Theory

2.15 – The Transaction Cost Theory

2.16 – The Population Ecology Theory

2.17 – The Structural Contingency Theory

2.18 – Porter’s Five Forces Model

2.19 – The Previous Year and Practice Questions

Organization Theory Micro Topics List – CHAPTER – 03


3.1 – The Concept and Nature of Organizational Goals

3.2 – The Mission, Vision, Purpose, Goals and Objectives

3.3 – The Functions of Organizational Goals

3.4 – Various types of Goals

3.4.1 – The Official Goals vs Operative Goals

3.4.2 – The Strategic Goals vs Operational Goals

3.4.3 – The Types of Operative Goals

3.5 – The Goal Setting Process & End Means Chain

3.6 – Goal Succession

3.7 – Goal Distortion

3.8 – Goal Displacement

3.8.1 – The Causes of Goal Displacement

3.8.2 – The Checking of Goal Displacement

3.9 – The Coalition Hypothesis

3.10 – The Influence of Environment on Organizational Goals

3.11 – The Conflict Between Organizational and Individual Goals

3.12 – The Continuing Dilemma

3.12.1 – The Viewpoint of Personality Advocates

3.12.2 – The Viewpoint of Organization Proponents (Geroge Strauss)

3.12.3 – Reconciliatory Viewpoint

3.12.4 – The Reciprocation Between Individual and Organizations

3.13 – The Fusion Process

3.14 – The Inducement – Contribution Process

3.15 – The Management by Objectives (MBO)

3.15.1 – The Steps in Management by Objectives

3.15.2 – The Features of MBO

3.15.3 – The Merits and Limitations of MBO

3.15.4 – Suggestions for Improving the Effectiveness of MBO

3.16 – The Past Year Questions and Practice Questions

Organization Theory Micro Topics List – CHAPTER – 04


4.1 – The Introduction and Role of Organization Theory

4.2 – The Classical Organization Theory

4.2.1 – The Features of The Classical Theory

4.2.2 – The Elements of The Classical Theory

4.2.3 – The Key Pillars of Classical Theory

4.2.4 – The Scientific Management – The Techniques & Benefits of Scientific Management – The Contributions and Limitations of Scientific Management

4.2.5 – Fayol’s Administrative Management

4.2.6 – The Bureaucratic Organizations – The Merits and Limitations of Bureaucratic Organizations – The Types of Bureaucracy – The Dysfunctional Aspects of Bureaucracy – The Unstable Environment – The Effective Use of Bureaucracy – Adhocracy

4.2.7 – Appraisal of The Classical Theory

4.2.8 – Criticism of the Key Pillars of The Classical Theory

4.2.9 – James Mooney and Alan Reiley

4.3 – The Neo Classical Theory

4.3.1 – The Features of The Neo Classical Theory

4.3.2 – Hawthorne Studies and The Human Relations Theory – The Key Concepts of Human Relations – The Findings, Contributions & Limitations of Human Relations Theory

4.3.3 – Douglas McGregor’s Participation Theory

4.3.4 – The Classical Theory VS. The Neo Classical Theory

4.3.5 – Human Relations VS. Scientific Management

4.3.6 – The Criticisms of The Neo Classical Theory

4.4 – The Behavioural Science Approach

4.4.1 – Features of The Behavioural Science Approach

4.4.2 – Human Relations VS Behavioural Science Approach

4.4.3 – Human Relations VS Human Resource

4.4.4 – The Contribution of Behavioural Science Approach

4.4.5 – The Criticism of Behavioural Science Approach

4.4.6 – The Quantitative Approach

4.4.7 – The Modern Concept of Organization Theory

4.5 – The Systems Approach

4.5.1 – The Scott Model – Analysis of Organization System

4.5.2 – The Parts of The System

4.5.3 – The Linking Process

4.5.4 – Kast and Rosenweig Integrative System Model

4.5.5 – The Merits and Limitations of The Systems Approach

4.6 – The Contingency Approach to Management

4.6.1 – The Contributions of The Contingency Approach

4.6.2 – The Features of The Contingency Approach

4.6.3 – The Merits and Limitations of The Contingency Approach

4.6.4 – Systems Theory Vs. Contingency Theory

4.6.5 – Explanations Against The Contingency Theory

4.7- Red Tapism in Organizations

4.8 – Cynicism in Organizations

4.9. – Cybernetics

4.10 – Contemporary Issues in Organization Theory

4.11 – Specialization vs Professionalism

4.12 – The Previous Year Questions and Practice Questions

Organization Theory Micro Topics List – CHAPTER – 05


5.1 – The Organizational Structure and Design

5.2 – The Classical Organization Design

5.3 – The Principles of Organization

5.4 – The Elements of Organizational Design

5.5 – The Importance of Organizational Design

5.6 – The Organizational Design Challenges

5.6.1 – Balancing Differentiation and Integration – Differentiation – Integration – The Bases of Integration – The Means of Integration – Linking Pin Model

5.6.2 – Balancing Standardization and Mutual Adjustment

5.7 – The Centralization of Authority

5.7.1 – The Merits and Demerits of Centralization of Authority

5.8 – The Decentralization of Authority

5.8.1 – Decentralization is an Extension of Delegation of Authority

5.8.2 – The Merits of Decentralization of Authority

5.8.3 – The Limitations of Decentralization of Authority

5.8.4 – Balancing Centralization and Decentralization

5.9 – The Delegation of Authority

5.9.1 – The Importance of Delegation of Authority

5.9.2 – Delegation in The Indian Context

5.9.3 – The Ideas to Use While Delegating Authority

5.9.4 – The Steps in Delegation of Authority

5.9.5 – The Difference Between Decentralization and Delegation

5.10 – The Span of Management

5.10.1 – The Factors Determining Span of Management

5.11 – The Management by Exception

5.11.1 – The Active MBE vs. The Passive MBE

5.11.2 – The Merits of Management by Exception

5.11.3 – The Limitations of Management by Exception

5.12 – The Formalization and Mutual Adjustment

5.12.1 – The Merits and Limitations of Formalization

5.13 – Departmentation

5.13.1 – The Objectives and Significance of Departmentation

5.13.2 – The Methods of Departmentation

5.13.3 – The Choice of a Method of Departmentation

5.14 – The Bloated Organization Structure

5.15 – The Formal Organization

5.15.1 – The Characteristics of Formal Organization

5.16 – The Informal Organization

5.16.1 – The Characteristics of Informal Organization

5.16.2 – The Significance of Informal Organization

5.16.3 – The Importance of Informal Organization

5.17 – The Formal vs Informal Organizations

5.18 – The Informal Organization Structure

5.19 – The Previous Year and Practice Questions

Organization Theory Micro Topics List – CHAPTER – 06


6.1 – The Meaning and Nature of Organizational Structure

6.2 – The Role and Features of Organization Structure

6.3 – The Merits and Demerits of Organization Structure

6.4 – Mechanism for Designing Structure

6.5 – The Process of Designing Structure

6.6 – Developing the Organization Structure

6.7 – The Elements or Dimensions of Organization Structure

6.8 – The Impact of Strategy on Organization Structure

6.9 – The Impact of People or Human Resources on Organization Structure

6.10 – The Effect of Environment on Organizational Structure – Burns and Stalker Study

6.11 – Emery and Trist Study

6.12 – The Lawrence and Lorsch Study

6.13 – The Morse and Lorsch Study

6.14 – The Effect of Technology on Structure – Joan Woodward Study

6.15 – The Relationship Between Technology and Organizational Structure

6.16 – The Charles Perrow Study

6.17 – The James Thompson Study

6.18 – Size and Organization Structure

6.19 – Forms of Organization Structure

6.19.1 – Simple Structure

6.19.2 – Bureaucratic Structure

6.20 – The Functional Structure

6.21 – The Divisional Structure

6.22 – The Product Departmentalization

6.23 – The Process Departmentalization

6.24 – The Territorial Departmentalization

6.25 – The Customer Departmentalization

6.26 – The Functional Structure vs. Divisional Structure

6.27 – The Project Organization

6.28 – The Mechanistic Structure vs. Organic Structure

6.29 – The Matrix Organizations

6.30 – The Matrix Organization vs Project Organization

6.31 – The Free – Form Organization

6.32 – The Virtual Organization (Network Organization)

6.33 – The Boundaryless Organization

6.34 – The Modular (Networked) Organization

6.35 – The Horizontal Organizations and Teams

6.36 – The Autonomous Teams

6.37 – Team Based Organizations

6.38 – The Line Organizations

6.39 – The Line and Staff Organizations

6.39.1 – The Line and Staff Conflict

6.39.2 – Achieving Cooperation Between Line and Staff

6.40 – Why do Structures Differ?

6.41 – The Life Cycle vs Structure of Organizations

6.42 – The Organizational Structure and Employee Behaviour

6.43 – The Organization Charts

6.44 – The Parkinson’s Law

6.45 – Accountability vs Responsibility

6.46 – Downsizing

6.47 – Tall vs Flat Organizations : A Comparison

6.48 – Mintzberg’s Framework : Five Organizational Forms

6.49 – The Vertically Integrated Organizations

6.50 – A Strategic Approach To Designing Organizations

6.51 – Conglomerates : Diversified “Megacorporations”

6.52 – The Inverted Pyramid

6.53 – The Innovations in Organizational Design

6.54 – The Fishnet Organization

6.55 – The Empowered Organization

6.56 – The Previous Year and Practice Questions

Organization Theory Micro Topics List – CHAPTER – 07


7.1 – The Concept of Organizational Culture

7.2 – The Primary Characteristics of Organizational Culture

7.3 – The Importance or Significance of Organizational Culture

7.4 – The Impact of Culture on Organizations

7.5 – The Impact of Culture on Organization’s Effectiveness

7.6 – The Impact of Culture on Two Different Groups of Organizations

7.7 – The Dimension and Elements of Organizational Culture

7.8 – How Employees Learn Culture

7.9 – Contingencies of Organizational Culture and Effectiveness

7.10 – The Strategies for Merging Different Organizational Cultures

7.11 – The Negative Aspects of Culture or Culture as a Liability

7.12 – The Indications of a Negative Organizational Culture

7.13 – The Effects of a Negative Organizational Culture

7.14 – Determinants of the Organizational Culture

7.15 – Components of the Organizational Culture

7.16 – The Cultural Typology

7.17 – The Types of Organizational Culture

7.18 – Strong vs. Weak Culture

7.19 – The Functions of Culture

7.20 – The Creation of an Organizational Culture

7.21 – Maintaining & Strengthening the Organizational Culture

7.22 – Perpetuating the Culture

7.23 – Changing the Organizational Culture

7.24 – Socialization – Familiarization with Organizational Culture

7.25 – The Psychological Contracts

7.26 – Edgar Schein Model of Organizational Culture

7.27 – Deciphering Organizational Culture through Artifacts

7.28 – The Cultural Change in Organizations

7.29 – The Causes of Cultural Change in Organizations

7.30 – The Measures Regarding Cultural Change

7.31 – The OCTAPACE Culture

7.32 – The Diversity in Organizations

7.33 – The Spiritual Organizations

7.34 – The Features and Criticisms of Spiritual Organizations

7.35 – Creating Vision

7.36 – Operationalizing Values and Vision

7.37 – The Organizational Subcultures

7.38 – Ethnocentrism vs. Cultural Relativism

7.39 – The Status Patterns in Organizations

7.40 – The Kinds of Status

7.41 – The Concept and Nature of Organizational Climate

7.42 – The Features or Characteristics of Organizational Climate

7.43 – The Dimensions of Organizational Climate

7.44 – The Significance or Importance of Organizational Climate

7.45 – The Factors Influencing Climate and Culture

7.46 – Organizational Context

7.47 – Organizational Structure

7.48 – Leadership Process

7.49 – Physical Environment

7.50 – Organizational Values and Norms

7.51 – Improving Organizational Climate

7.52 – The Charles Handy of Organizational Culture

7.53 – The Johnson and Scholes Cultural Web

7.54 – The Application of Johnson and Scholes Cultural Web

7.55 – Hofstede’s Dimension of Culture

7.56 – Robert A. Cooke Model of Organizational Culture

7.57 – The Denison Model of Organizational Culture

7.58 – Deal and Kennedy’s Cultural Model

7.59 – The Application of Deal and Kennedy’s Cultural Model

7.60 – Cameron and Quinn Competing Values of Cultural Model

7.61 – Miles and Snow Organizational Strategies

7.62 – The Management Theory by Henry Mintzberg

7.63 – Implementing the Mintzberg’s Theory

7.64 – The Previous Year Questions

Organization Theory Micro Topics List – CHAPTER – 08


8.1 – The Introduction to Power, Authority and Responsibility

8.2 – The Concept of Power

8.3 – The Characteristics of Power

8.4 – The Importance of Power

8.5 – The Responses to the Use of Power

8.6 – The Concept of Power Dynamics

8.7 – The Theories of Organizational Power

8.8 – The Concept of Power Distribution

8.9 – The Strategic Contingencies Model : Power Through Dependence

8.10 – The Concentration of Power

8.11 – The Symbols of Power

8.12 – Power vs. Authority

8.13 – The Sources of Power and Strategic Contingency Approach

8.13.1 – A Contingency Approach to Power

8.14 – The Bases of Power

8.15 – The Relationship Between Different Types of Power

8.16 – Symbols of Powerlessness

8.17 – The Power and Leadership

8.18 – The Traits of Successful Power Users

8.19 – Power tactics or The Influence Tactics in the Workplace

8.20 – Faces of power

8.21 – The Concept of Responsibility

8.22 – The Concept of Authority

8.23 – The Relationship Between Authority and Responsibility

8.24 –  The Concept of Accountability

8.25 – The Kinds of Authority

8.26 – The Sources of Authority

8.27 – The Limitations or Restrictions of Authority

8.28 – The Organizational Politics

8.29 – The Types of Political Behaviour

8.30 – The Techniques of Organizational Politics or Strategies to Acquire Power or Various Categories of Political Behaviour

8.31 – The Reasons for Political Behaviour or Organizational Politics

8.32 – Different types of Organizational Politics

8.33 – Adverse effects of Organizational Politics

8.34 – Managing Political Behaviour in Organizations

8.35 – The Methods of Political Guidelines

8.36 – Ethical Issues of Power and Politics

8.37 – The Impression Management

8.38 – The Process of Impression Management

8.39 – The Impression Management Strategies

8.40 – Techniques of Impression Management

8.41 – Improving Impression Management

8.42 – The Previous Year and Practice Questions


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Organization Behavior Micro Topics List

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