National Disaster Management Authority

Establishment ·         Gujarat earthquake-National Committee, 2001.

·         After the Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004- Disaster Management Act 2005.

·         NDMA created under disaster management act – consist of chairperson and other members – Max nine.

·         PM – Ex officio chairperson.

·         Other members nominated by chairperson

·         NDMA is apex body for disaster management – under administrative control of MoHA

Objectives ·         Promote a culture of prevention, preparedness and resilience at all levels-through knowledge, innovation and education.

·         Encourage mitigation measures based on technology, traditional wisdom and environmental sustainability.

·         Mainstream disaster management into developmental planning process

·         Establish institutional and techno legal framework – enable regulatory environment and compliance regime.

·         Develop contemporary forecasting an early warning systems.

·         Undertake reconstruction, effective response and relief with caring approach

·         Promote a productive and proactive partnership with media for disaster management

Functions Has a responsibility majorly for laying down principles, plans and guidelines for disaster management to ensure timely and effective response to disasters

1.       Approve a national plan + plans prepared by ministries or departments

2.       Lay down guidelines to be followed by state disaster management authority – SDMA

3.       To lay down broad principles and guidelines for functioning of National Institute Of Disaster Management

4.       National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) – Force constituted for the purpose of specialist response to a threatening disaster situation or disaster.

5.       SDMA to set up district level authority – District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA).

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