Q . Certainly, the arrival of Mahatma Gandhi changed the course of the Indian Freedom struggle. Examine the given statement.   (10 marks, 150 words, GS-1, Modern History)



  • First para could include the ways and methods used before Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Next para to be about what changes were noticed with advent of Gandhiji.
  • Concluding with methods used by him and what were its implications.

The fight against the British began as early as they acquired the Bengal in 18th century. Many rebellions, movements and struggles by peasants, tribes, civil society were organized to ouster the British from native land. But these were of different nature and character if one compare with the struggle led under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi.

Earlier the freedom struggles were violent in nature. Use of arms and weapons to overthrow the British was considered necessary. But with arrival of Gandhiji, the modus operandi changed. Gandhiji taught the excellent use of non-violence in the form of Hartals, fasts and Satyagraha. He insisted to use passive resistance to counter British action.

Also, the movements earlier were of limited coverage and extent. The participation was either from upper class or peasants and tribals. But Gandhiji tried to include the masses including lower castes, women, youth and other sections and religions. By doing this, he questioned the British rule over masses that are against the rulers.

The struggles earlier were divided on religious lines but Gandhiji tried to unite the sections to fight as one against the British rule so that the divide and rule policy of British do not work.

Hence the Gandhiji by making it non-violent and all-inclusive and enhancing mass participation changed the very nature of the freedom struggle.




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