8th March,2022 ; Daily Current Affairs

Daily Current Affairs   Date : 8thMarch,2022

(30+ Questions hit in Prelims 2021 from this series)

Covers 4 Most relevant Sources

  • The Hindu
  • Indian Express
  • PIB
  • Mint


  • Swatantrata Sainik Samman Yojana (SSSY) (PIB)
  • Kanya Shikhsa Pravesh Utsav Campaign (PIB)
  • Start-Up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP) (PIB)
  • Reformist couple of Jyotirao and Savitribai Phule (IE)
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) (DTE)
  • Financial Action Task Force (FATF) (TH, pg 15)
  • Jurisprudence of ‘Sealed Cover’ (TH, pg 6)
  • Effects of Rupee fall against US Dollar (TH, pg 13)
  • Blackbucks (TH, pg 4)
  • Donate a Pension Scheme (TH, pg 10)
  • Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance (TH, pg 11)
  • Yemen’s Houthi Rebels (TH, pg 11)
  • What is a No-Fly Zone?(TH, pg 15)
  • What Is the Gig Economy? (TH, pg 7)
  • National Career Service (NCS) Project (PIB)
  • SAMARTHScheme
  • Happiness Curriculum(TH, pg 3)


  1. Swatantrata Sainik Samman Yojana (SSSY) (PIB)

  • Context: The Government of India has approved the continuation of the Swatantrata Sainik Samman Yojana (SSSY) and its components beyond for the Financial Years 2021-22 to 2025-26.


  • The key objective of Swatantra Sainik Samman Pension Scheme is to provide pension to freedom fighters & their eligible dependents in India.
  • The SSSY is being implemented by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Eligibility Criteria for Samman Pension

  • The following categories of freedom fighters are eligible for the Samman Pension.
  • Dependents of martyrs are eligible for Samman Pension. A martyr is a person who was killed due to participation in the freedom struggle of India.
  • A person who had suffered minimum 6-month imprisonment of participation in freedom struggle is eligible to get pension. Eligibility criteria for women & SC/ST are 3 months for women.
  • If a person’s participation in freedom struggle remained underground for more than six months is eligible for Samman pension.
  • A person whose property was damaged or sold due to participation in the freedom struggle is eligible to get this pension.
  • If a person became permanently incapacitated during firing or lathi charge in Freedom struggle, he/she is eligible for this pension.
  • By participating in freedom struggle if a person lost his government job, he/she is eligible.
  • Any person was awarded the punishment of 10 strokes of caning/flogging/whipping due to his participation in freedom struggle. He/she is eligible to get Samman pension.

Person not eligible for Samman Pension

  • If the property of a person was restored, he is not eligible for Samman Pension.
  • Persons who were reinstated in Government service before the expiry of two years from their dismissal or removal from service and were in receipt of benefits or pay and allowances are not eligible for the pension.

Eligible Dependents for Samman Pension

  • Samman pension is provided to Freedom fighter family include (if the freedom fighter is not alive) mother, father, widower/widow if he/she has not since remarried, unmarried daughters.
  • Only one person in the family is eligible for getting Samman pension.

Sequence of eligibility

  • In the event of availability of more than one dependent in the family, the sequence of eligibility will be as follows.
  • Widow/widower
  • Unmarried daughters
  • Mother
  • Father


  1. Kanya Shikhsa Pravesh Utsav Campaign (PIB)

  • Context:On the eve of International Women’s Day (8th March), the Ministry of Women and Child Development (MoWCD), in partnership with the Ministry of Education and UNICEF, launched a landmark campaign Kanya Shikhsa Pravesh Utsav to bring back out of school adolescent girls in India to the formal education and/or skilling system.


  • The campaign has been launched with the objective of enhancing enrolment and retention of girls between 11-14 years of age in school.
  • The campaign will be rolled out under the umbrella of MoWCD’s Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) initiative by targeting more than 400,000 out of school adolescent girls as primary beneficiaries.


  1. Start-Up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP) (PIB)

  • Context:National Institute of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD) — an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) to develop a sustainable model for promoting entrepreneurship at the grass roots by initiating the Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP).


  • SVEP is a sub-component of Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) of the Ministry of Rural Development.
  • It aims to support entrepreneurs in rural areas to set-up enterprises at the village-level in non-agricultural sectors.
  • SVEP is being implemented to promote start – up enterprises in rural areas.
  • SVEP focusses on providing self-employment opportunities by addressing three major pillars of rural start-ups namely – finances, incubation and skill ecosystems.
  • SVEP promotes both individual and group enterprises, set-up and promote enterprises majorly on manufacturing, trading and service sectors.
  • The program invested largely on building the capacities of the entrepreneurs to run the businesses profitably based on the local demand and eco-system.


  1. Reformist couple of Jyotirao and Savitribai Phule (IE)

  • Context: Maharashtra Governor has recently received flak for his remarks on the social reformist couple Jyotirao and Savitribai Phule.


  • Mahatma Jyotirao and Savitribai Phule stand out as an extraordinary couple in the social and educational history of India.
  • They spearheaded path-breaking work towards female education and empowerment, and towards ending caste- and gender-based discrimination.
  • In 1840, at a time when child marriages were common, Savitri at the age of ten was married to Jyotirao, who was thirteen years old at the time. The couple later in life strove to oppose child marriage and also organised widow remarriages.
  • The Balhatya Pratibandhak Griha (Home for the Prevention of Infanticide) started in their own house in Pune.
  • Savitribai, in 1852, started Mahila Seva Mandal to educate women about their rights, dignity and social issues.
  • She had even organised a barbers’ strike in Mumbai and Pune to protest the custom of shaving heads of widows.
  • Savitribai and her husband established two educational trusts — the Native Female School, Pune, and the Society for Promoting the Education of Mahars, Mangs and others.
  • The Satyashodhak Samaj (The Truth-Seeker’s Society) was established on September 24, 1873 by Jyotirao-Savitribai and other like-minded people.
  • The Samaj advocated for social changes that went against prevalent traditions, including economical weddings, inter-caste marriages, eradication of child marriages, and widow remarriage.
  • The Samaj included Muslims, non-Brahmins, Brahmins and government officials. It aimed to free women and other less privileged people from caste and gender oppressions.
  • In 1873, Savitribai started the practice of Satyashodhak Marriage, where couples took an oath of education and equality.
  • Mahatma Phule, whom Ambedkar considered his guru, wrote Gulamgiri — one of the first critiques of the caste system.


  1. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) (DTE)

  • Context:Electric vehicles can lower emissions of volatile organic compounds in India by 2030, a new study has predicted.
  • VOCs are carbon-containing chemicals released by petrol and diesel vehicles. They impact air quality and human health.


  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are a large group of chemicals that are emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids.
  • There may be many reasons for the presence of VOCs in the atmosphere, like vehicular emissions, etc.
  • VOCs are released from burning fuel such as gasoline, wood, coal, or natural gas.
  • They are also released from many consumer products like Cigarettes.
  • When VOCs combine with nitrogen oxides in the air, they form smog.
  • VOCs are common ground-water contaminants.
  • Concentrations of many VOCs are consistently higher indoors (up to ten times higher) than outdoors.
  • VOCs are emitted by a wide array of products, examples include: paints and lacquers, paint strippers, cleaning products, disinfecting agents, cosmetic products, pesticides, building materials and furnishings, office equipment such as copiers and printers, correction fluids and carbonless copy paper, graphics and craft materials including glues and adhesives, permanent markers, and photographic solutions.
  • However, VOCs can have a natural origin, too. Plants emit these chemicals to attract pollinators, defend themselves from pests and predators and adapt to environmental stress.

Effects of VOC

  • VOCs can drive the formation of other dangerous pollutants. For instance, they react with sunlight and nitrogen dioxide to form ground-level ozone.
  • VOCs also trigger the formation of PM2.5, a pollutant that reaches deep into the lungs, affecting their normal functioning.

Do you know?

  • Benzene, a chemical that induces cancer, is the only VOC included in the ambient air-quality standards in India.
  • The other pollutants considered are Particulate Matter10 (PM10), Particulate Matter2.5 (PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, ammonia, lead, nickel and benzo(a)pyrene.
  • People train dogs to search for diverse targets via smell, from illegal drugs and agricultural pests to missing persons, endangered wildlife species and more.
  • Dogs accomplish this by successfully recognizing the odors of substances called volatile organic compounds that are specifically associated with these targets.
  • Volatile organic compounds can be produced by living organisms as well as by natural or synthetic materials.
  • In humans, they are produced by the body’s metabolic activity, then enter the bloodstream and are finally released into the air through blood, urine, feces, skin or breath.
  • Scientists have found that dogs can be trained to successfully recognise unique volatile organic compounds, called “biomarkers,” in the exhaled breath of patients with certain diseases or chronic medical conditions, including cancer and diabetes, as well as for pre-seizure detection in epileptic individuals.


  1. Financial Action Task Force (FATF) (TH, pg 15)

  • Context:The global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog FATF has retained Pakistan on its terrorism financing “grey list” and asked Islamabad to address at the earliest the remaining deficiencies in its financial system.
  • Pakistan has been on the grey list of the Paris-based Financial Action Task Force (FATF) since June 2018 for failing to check money laundering, leading to terror financing, and was given a plan of action to complete it by October 2019.
  • Since then, the country continues to be on that list due to its failure to comply with the FATF mandates.
  • The recent plenary, FATF’s highest decision-making body, decided against exiting Pakistan from the category despite the country meeting 32 out of 34 action points.


  • FATF is an inter-governmental body established in 1989 by a Group of Seven (G-7) Summit in Paris.
  • G-7 Countries: Canada, U.S., U.K., Italy, France, Germany and Japan – the seven largest advanced economies.
  • Earlier it was G-8 when Russia was suspended from it because of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, a part of Ukraine.
  • It helps in combating money laundering, terrorist financing and other related threats to the integrity of the international financial system.
  • In the aftermath of the 9/11 terror attack on the United States, FATF also added terror financing as a main focus area.
  • This was broadened in 2012, to include restricting the funding of weapons of mass destruction.
  • The FATF’s highest decision making body, the FATF Plenary, meets three times per year.
  • The FATF monitors:
  • the progress of its members in implementing necessary measures,
  • reviews money laundering and terrorist financing techniques and counter-measures, and
  • promotes the adoption and implementation of appropriate measures globally.
  • In collaboration with other international stakeholders, the FATF works to identify national-level vulnerabilities with the aim of protecting the international financial system from misuse.
  • The FATF is an international policy-making body. It does not take a role in law enforcement matters, investigations or prosecutions.
  • The FATF does not address at all issues related to low tax jurisdiction or tax competition.
  • The FATF mandate focuses only on the fight against laundering of proceeds of crimes and the financing of terrorism.

FATF Members and Observers

  • The FATF currently comprises 39 members (37 countries including China and India and 2 regional organisations – European Commission, Gulf Co-operation Council), representing most major financial centres in all parts of the globe.
  • Pakistan is not a member of FATF.
  • From the Indian sub-continent, India is the only member of FATF.
  • FATF Observers: Indonesia.

Greylist Vs Blacklist

What are FATF’s ‘grey’ and ‘black’ lists?

  • While the words ‘grey’ and ‘black’ list do not exist in the official FATF lexicon, they designate countries that need to work on complying with FATF directives and those who are non-compliant, respectively.
  • At the end of every plenary meeting, FATF comes out with two lists of countries.
  • Grey countries are those that are “actively working” with the FATF to counter criminal financial activities.
  • In their cases, the watchdog does not tell other members to carry out due-diligence measures vis-a-vis the listed country but does tell them to take into account the risks such countries possess.
  • Currently, there are 23 countries on the grey list, with one new addition and one removal.
  • The United Arab Emirates was added to the list at the end of this plenary meet while Zimbabwe was taken off it.
  • Besides, some of the other countries on the list are Pakistan, Myanmar, Morocco, Philippines, Panama, Senegal, Albania, Jamaica and Turkey.
  • As for the black list, it means countries designated by the FATF as ‘high-risk jurisdictions subject to call for action’.
  • In this case the countries have considerable deficiencies in their Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/ CFT) regimens.
  • For such countries, the body calls on members and non-members to apply enhanced due-diligence and in the most serious cases, apply counter-measures such as sanctions.
  • Currently, two countries- North Korea and Iran are on the black list.
  • Being listed under the FATF’s two lists makes it difficult for countries to get aid from organisations like the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the European Union.
  • According to an IMF study, it may also affect capital inflows, foreign direct investments and portfolio flows in the country.
  • Thus, the greylist refers to countries that are “monitored jurisdictions” that are being reviewed for actions to stop terror financing and money laundering, while the blacklist refers to countries facing a “call to action” or severe banking strictures, sanctions and difficulties in accessing loans.
  • When the FATF places a jurisdiction under increased monitoring ‘grey list’, it means the country has committed to resolve swiftly the identified strategic deficiencies within agreed timeframes and is subject to increased monitoring.


  1. Jurisprudence of ‘Sealed Cover’ (TH, pg 6)

  • Context:A Division Bench of the Kerala High Court has dismissed the appeal filed by MediaOne, a television channel in Kerala, whose licence the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has refused to renew.
  • The Ministry had said that the licence could not be renewed for reasons related to national security.


  • The Supreme Court of India has repeatedly held that judicial review of executive action is the basic feature of the Constitution.
  • The decisions in Minerva Mills vs Union of India (1980) and L. Chandra Kumar vs Union of India (1997) reiterated this fundamental principle.
  • If the executive wishes to limit rights — in this case, censor or restrict speech — it must show that the test of reasonable restrictions is satisfied. This principle is the bedrock of judicial review.
  • The ‘sealed cover’ practice inverses this position. The moment the executive utters ‘national security’, courts often permit them to inform the justification in a ‘sealed cover’.
  • These ‘reasons’ are not disclosed to the party whose rights are clearly at stake. The court satisfies itself of the defence of the state and dismisses the petition.
  • MediaOne, the channel that has been censored, is completely in the dark over the reasons for the ban. It was never heard nor its version ascertained.
  • When an action is alleged to have curtailed fundamental rights, the court is bound to examine the legality of the action through the lens of proportionality.
  • In Modern Dental College vs State of Madhya Pradesh (2016), the top court adopted the proportionality test proposed by Aharon Barak, the former Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Israel, “a limitation of a constitutional right will be constitutionally permissible if:
  • (i) it is designated for a proper purpose;
  • (ii) the measures undertaken to effectuate such a limitation are rationally connected to the fulfillment of that purpose;
  • (iii) the measures undertaken are necessary in that there are no alternative measures that may similarly achieve that same purpose with a lesser degree of limitation; and finally
  • (iv) there needs to be a proper relation (‘proportionality stricto sensu’ or ‘balancing’) between the importance of achieving the proper purpose and the social importance of preventing the limitation on the constitutional right”.
  • This was reiterated in K.S. Puttaswamy vs Union of India (2017). But this entire process of proportionality analysis is sidelined by the High Court.


  1. Effects of Rupee fall against US Dollar (TH, pg 13)

  • Context: The rupee sank to a record low of almost 77 against the U.S. dollar as the Russia-Ukraine conflict sent crude oil prices soaring to 14-year highs prompting safe-haven flows into the dollar.
  • Palladium bounded 15% higher to an all-time peak of $3,440 an ounce on fears of shortages of the metal used in catalytic converters, since Russia accounts for 40% of global production.


Rupee’s value against the dollar generally declines:

  • When crude oil prices rise which could widen the India’s current account deficit (as India has to shell out more dollars to fund its purchases) and stroke inflation and cause fiscal deficit.
  • A burgeoning fiscal deficit raises the risk of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) printing rupees to fund the expenses of the government, thus weakening the rupee.
  • During trade wars like recently taken place between Russia and Ukraine that could spur capital outflows from developing countries to buy safe heavens life gold and U.S. dollars and could weigh the Indian currency down.
  • When there is a political uncertainty in the wake of State elections and the general elections.
  • When there is the possibility of ‘debt monetisation’ by the Indian government to give a big stimulus to economy by borrowing from the RBI.
  • When the U.S. Federal Reserve raises interest rates (also called tightening of U.S. monetary policy – When central banks increase official interest rates, it is known as “monetary tightening”. This is because the central banks typically try to restrict (or tighten) economic growth by making it more expensive to borrow money. It helps to control the rate of inflation).
  • The tightening of monetary policy by the U.S. Federal Reserve causes the price of American debt to fall and yields to rise (bond prices and yields move in opposite directions).
  • This, in turn, pushes investors to pull money out of India and other emerging market economies in order to invest in the U.S., where they can get higher returns.
  • Note: The value of rupee against the dollar decreases whenever the demand of dollar in the international market increases.

Effects of weakening rupee:

  • The bond yield will increase (Bond yieldis the amount of return an investor realizes on a bond. Bond yield increases when investors sell them off aggressively and the issuer of bonds has to increase the amount of return to attract more investors).
  • The equity market in India (Stock Exchanges) will lose value.
  • The RBI will raise interest rates to tighten the supply of money.
  • This may help contain dollar outflows from investors seeking higher yields in the U.S., thus shoring up the value of the rupee.
  • The RBI might also look to intervene directly in the foreign exchange market to prop up the value of the rupee by selling the dollars from its foreign exchange reserves.
  • Rupee depreciation will result in higher earnings for exporters as well as domestic oil producers like Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC) who bill refiners in U.S. dollar terms.
  • Though oil firms fix retail selling price of petrol and diesel on a daily basis, the inputs for that fixation are an average of previous fortnight.
  • Increase in remittances.
  • NRIs generally send more money home when the value of the rupee falls because it earns more returns.

Depreciating rupee can create concerns for Current Account Deficit (CAD)

  • A weak rupee against the dollar makes imports costlier. Some imports cannot be cut down such as oil, which can negatively affect India’s current account deficit.
  • This also poses an inflationary risk given that imports are costlier when the currency depreciates. Costlier oil means costlier vegetables and groceries since transportation costs go up.
  • Weak rupee also makes education and holidays in foreign countries more expensive.
  • The external borrowing costs for Indian Companies will only move up. This may dampen industry borrowing and slower economic growth at a time when Indian banks are cautious towards lending.
  • However, exports may rise with depreciating currency.
  • The CAD has seen a gradual decline in the last several years mainly because of lower import bill on oil imports (lower oil prices) and dollar inflows into the country.


  1. Blackbucks (TH, pg 4)

  • Context:Poacherskilled 11 blackbucks.


  • Blackbuck (IUCN Status: Least Concern) is found only in the Indian subcontinent,mainly in three countries: India, where nearly 95 per cent of the population is present, Nepal, where a small population survives in the arid part of the Nepal plains or Terai, and Pakistan, where it is extinct as a free-ranging animal.
  • Blackbuck is the finest representative of arid and semi-arid short grass plains that were once abundant in undivided Punjab, Haryana, parts of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and down south up to Tamil Nadu.
  • It is a denizen of open countryside, avoiding forest and hilly areas.
  • When the Asiatic Cheetah was found in India—the last was seen in 1951—Blackbuck was its main prey, along with Indian Gazelle (“Chinkara”) in some areas.
  • Sadly, Blackbuck is now a rare species, surviving in small scattered herds in about 13 states of India.
  • Possibly only 1 per cent of the former numbers survive now although distribution has not shrunk so much. It is still found from Punjab and Haryana in the north to Tamil Nadu in the south, and Rajasthan-Gujarat in the west to Odisha in the east, but nowhere in vast herds.
  • The best numbers are seen in the Velavadar Blackbuck National Park, Bhavnagar, Gujarat.
  • Another notable area is Tal Chhapar Blackbuck Sanctuary, Churu district, Rajasthan.
  • Point Calimere Sanctuary in Tamil Nadu is another place to see these graceful animals.
  • In Rajasthan, however, there are many areas such as Guda Vishnoiyan, Dhawa Doli and Kankania (where actor Salman Khan allegedly hunted them in 1998) that are protected by the Bishnoi community who consider Blackbuck sacred.
  • There is only one Blackbuck Sanctuary in the Deccan where they were once found in millions. The sanctuary is the small Rehekuri Blackbuck Sanctuary in Ahmadnagar, Maharashtra
  • Blackbucks generally live in agriculture-dominated landscapes, finding refuge in grassland plots created to stop soil erosion.
  • Blackbuck and Cheetah shared their grassland habitat with the Great Indian Bustard (GIB)—a species that has disappeared with most parts of its range.
  • If we map the distribution of Blackbuck and Great Indian Bustard, both will be found more or less in the same areas, except in Western Rajasthan (Thar desert) where Blackbuck is not found.
  • Blackbuck has to drink every day so wherever surface water is not available throughout the year as in the Thar Desert, it is absent.
  • While the GIB is a facultative drinker—drinks water if available, otherwise, it can live without water for many days, or even months.
  • Poaching, habitat destruction, habitat fragmentation, urbanisation and neglect are the major causes for the disappearance of Blackbuck.
  • A new menace has appeared in the form of free-ranging village dogs.
  • In order to save species like Blackbuck and Great Indian Bustard, we have to give more attention to grasslands. Unfortunately, grasslands are still considered as “wastelands.”
  • In the new draft National Forest Policy, even the term “grassland” has been removed, clearly indicating the intention of the government.


  1. Donate a Pension Scheme (TH, pg 10)

  • The Union Labour and Employment Ministry launched the “donate a pension” scheme allowing any citizen to pay the premium amount on behalf of an unorganised worker under the Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-Dhan Scheme.
  • The pension scheme, which was launched in 2019, allows unorganised sector workers between the age of 18 and 40, who earn up to ₹15,000 a month, to enroll by paying a premium amount between ₹55 and ₹200, depending on the age, that would be matched by the government.
  • On reaching the age of 60, the beneficiaries would get a ₹3,000 monthly pension.


  1. Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance (TH, pg 11)

  • China’s Foreign Minister accused the United States of trying to build an “Indo-Pacific NATO” using the Quad and its allies, and said “some forces” were seeking to “stoke tensions” between China and India as well as “sow discord” between China and Russia.
  • He equated the U.S., Australia, India, Japan Quad grouping with the “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance involving the Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the U.S. and U.K. and the AUKUS (Australia-U.K.-U.S.) defence pact.


  1. Yemen’s Houthi Rebels (TH, pg 11)

  • Yemen’s Houthi rebels launched missiles into the Red Sea over the weekend, a U.S. official said, raising the risk of the rebels striking commercial vessels using a waterway crucial to global shipping.
  • The Red Sea connects onto the Suez Canal, which sends cargo and energy shipments from West Asia to Europe.
  • Since seizing Yemen’s capital Sana’a in September 2014, the Houthis have launched missiles, deployed bomb-laden drone boats and released mines into the Red Sea.


  1. What is a No-Fly Zone?(TH, pg 15)

  • In simple terms, a No-Fly Zone refers to a particular airspace wherein aircrafts, excluding those permitted by an enforcement agency, are barred from flying.
  • Articles under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter dealing with ‘Action with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace, and Acts of Aggression’ are invoked to authorise a potential no-fly zone.


  1. What Is the Gig Economy? (TH, pg 7)

  • In a gig economy, temporary, flexible jobs are commonplace and companies tend to hire independent contractors and freelancers instead of full-time employees.
  • It is based on flexible, temporary, or freelance jobs, often involving connecting with clients or customers through an online platform.
  • The gig economy can benefit workers, businesses, and consumers by making work more adaptable to the needs of the moment and demand for flexible lifestyles.
  • At the same time, the gig economy can have downsides due to the erosion of traditional economic relationships between workers, businesses, and clients.
  • The gig economy comprises platforms that offer innovative solutions in different sectors such as transport, retail, personal and home care.
  • India has emerged as one of the largest countries for gig and platform work.


  1. National Career Service (NCS) Project (PIB)

  • The Ministry of Labour and Employment is implementing the National Career Service (NCS) Project as a Mission Mode Project for the transformation of the National Employment Service to provide a variety of employment-related services like job matching, career counselling, vocational guidance, information on skill development courses, internships etc.


  1. SAMARTHScheme

  • The Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises announced a Special Entrepreneurship Promotion Drive for Women -“SAMARTH” being implemented by the Ministry to provide them an opportunity to be self-reliant and independent by undertaking self-employment opportunities.


  1. Happiness Curriculum(TH, pg 3)

  • Deputy Chief Minister said that the Delhi government’s Happiness Curriculum, Entrepreneurship Mindset Curriculum and Deshbhakti Curriculum will now be implemented in private schools.

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