Road map to UPSC CSE Success

If you are here to look for any short-cut method to achieve UPSC CSE SUCCESS, then I am sorry to disappoint you, because there is no shortcut to clear UPSC CSE. UPSC civil services examination is one of the toughest and prestigious exams in India. Every serious aspirant knows that becoming an IAS/IPS officer is a hard nut to crack. Besides, if you have the right guidance and a strategy to follow, then you can ensure your success in the IAS examination.

“There is no substitute to Hard Work” – Thomas Edison

Do you also think such questions: “I am an average student. How can I learn and master the subjects of crack the Civil Services Examination?” or “I want to become an IAS/IPS officer, but I have never been a topper in my life. What should I do?” If yes, then this article is for you. but before proceeding, remember one thing,

If you wish to achieve it, you will have to be dedicated to it.”

UPSC CSE SUCCESS: Right now you have two choices. First one: Make your own road map if you are aware of the UPSC CSE. Second one: If you are not sure about making your own roadmap, then follow the given tips. You can always make changes according to your need and preference, but making an initial format for preparation is important. These golden tips will help you to build an exceptional road map that will help you to reach your UPSC CSE destiny.

Know the exam pattern and Learn the UPSC Syllabus

Yes, you have to learn the UPSC syllabus. You can consider the UPSC syllabus as the window for the actual UPSC exams from where you can have a look at what UPSC demands from the aspirants. In order to put the first step correctly in the UPSC CSE journey, you must have a very good knowledge of the UPSC syllabus and exam pattern before even starting the preparation.

Know All about UPSC.

Get UPSC Syllabus.

Choose your optional wisely

Do not rush while choosing your optional subject for UPSC because it carries a good weightage of marks in UPSC Mains. The optional subject can make a great difference in your overall marks and it holds the ability to put you or pull you out from the final UPSC list. It is equal to all other GS subjects. Before commencing the preparation at full speed, take some time for researching the optional subject from the list of subjects offered by UPSC.

If you are confused with what subject to choose then list out the 3- 4 subjects you have good knowledge. Out of those, analyze your existing knowledge, your comfort with the subject, your willingness to study that subject in deep, and your interest or familiarity with the subject. Pick the one that befits you the most, and go ahead with that optional subject.

Check the list of optional subjects.

NCERT’s are for Strengthening Your Base

Having NCERT textbooks from the 6th – 12th standard is very important to form a strong knowledge base for UPSC. Since the books are the same as what you have already studied in school, it is not hard to study them again. NCERT Textbooks will familiarize you with all the core information of the topics along with the conceptual understanding of each subject.

Design a Preparation Strategy

As a UPSC aspirant, only you can design the best strategy for yourself. Only you know about your existing knowledge base, family or other responsibilities, and other prime concerns of life. You can take help from toppers or expert videos and tips, and then make necessary changes according to your need. Do not forget to include these in your preparation strategy:

  • A separate time or day dedicating for optional preparation
  • Dividing time, days, weeks, and months for each subject depending upon their level of difficulty and your existing knowledge base.
  • Dedicated slots or weekends for revision
  • Collect all relevant study materials beforehand.
  • Keep enough time for relaxation, family dinner or family time, physical and mental fitness, and leisure hours for hobbies or anything you like.

“Without Hard Work & Discipline it is difficult to be a top professional” – Jahangir Khan

The revision will Always Rescue you

Everyone is creating the road map of UPSC CSE success to prepare for UPSC civil services examination. Revising the subject is often neglected when you run after the best books, materials, and strategies. Revision is the only way that will help you retain enormous information while writing the examination. Add a separate slot for revision in your study schedule as, without revision, your entire hard work will go in vain. It is scientifically proven that if you revise something on the same day or the next day, after one week and after one month, you will retain more. Nothing can replace a good revision strategy. Try to include such a revision method in your routine.

Focus on Understanding than Memorizing

To crack the UPSC Civil Services Examination, you have to master the skills of memorizing, this is one of the most common myths that prevail amongst the IAS/IPS aspirants. Memorizing the subject of UPSC is not at all possible because the syllabus is so vast, and even if you try to do so, you will easily forget anything with a few hours or days of memorizing it. For clearing such an exam, you need to work on your understanding skills. Be careful while putting your efforts and time for something because you must not waste your energy on something that is not useful in the long-term.

The prelims stage will test your conceptual knowledge and analytical understanding. It does not focus on knowing how many facts you have learned. So during your preparation focus on knowing “What is the topic/ When & Where it happened or found / Why & Who – the reason & important people involved in that particular event/ How did it happen”

If you will try to answer this while studying, you will not have to put the effort into memorizing the facts. This way your subconscious mind will automatically start framing logical reasons for every topic you read. Even this method can be included in making notes and this is more effective while revision.

Be Positive 

It is extremely crucial to shut down the door all the negative thoughts and energies and open your window only for positive vibes. If at any point during your preparation, you feel that you are losing the track despite your efforts, please stop and relax for a while.

To accomplish a goal in life, you need a break, do things you love or relax for a refreshing comeback. A small gap from the routine study will automatically subside the depressing feelings and will give more power & energy to start again.

Great things happen to those who don’t stop believing, trying, learning, and being grateful.

Always remember, that start making your plans from the day you decide to sit for UPSC CSE Success. Give your best shots every day starting from today! 

All the Best


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