Organization Behavior Micro Topics List

Organization Behavior Micro Topics List UPSC Commerce Optional by CA Rahul Kumar

Sl no Chapter Name
1 Organization Behavior – Meaning and Concept


2 Personality: Theories and Determinants


3 Perception: Meaning and Process


4 Motivation: Concepts, Theories and Applications


5 Leadership – Theories and Styles


6 Quality of Work Life (QWL): Meaning and its impact on Performance, Ways of its Enhancement


7 Quality Circles (QC) – Meaning and their Importance


8 Management of Conflicts in Organizations


9 Transactional Analysis


10 Organizational Effectiveness


11 Management of Change





Organization Behavior Micro Topics List in Details

Chapter- 01 Organization Behavior- Nature and Concept

1.1 Meaning and concept of OB

1.2 Basic concept & definitions of OB

1.3 Global Historical Perspective of OB

1.4 Modern Historical origins of OB

1.5 Indian Historical Background of OB

1.6 Developments of OB – last 100 years journey

1.7 Approaches for developing and studying OB

1.8 OB is Interdisciplinary

1.9 Scope/ Determinants of OB/ OB is multidimensional

1.10 Anchors of OB Knowledge

1.11 Goals of OB

1.12 Features of OB

1.13 Levels of OB

1.14 Basic OB Process

1.15 Fundamental Principles or Assumptions of OB

1.16 Conceptual framework of OB

1.17 Models of Man

1.18 Some Indigenous OB Concepts

1.19 Understanding OB in Indian Context

1.20 Significance of OB

1.21 Compare OT with OB

1.22 Positive OB (POB)

1.23 Criticism of OB

1.24 Issues and Challenges

1.25 Reasons: Why OB Theories fail when applied in practice

1.26 Models of OB

Ch – 02 Personality – Theories and Determinants

2.1 Meaning and Definitions of Personality

2.2 Features of Personality

2.3 Determinants of Personality

2.4 A model for Personality from an Indian Perspective

2.5 What causes Personality: Nature versus Nurture

2.6 Theories of Personality

  1. Psycho-analytic Theory
  2. Erikson Stages
  3. Neo-Freudian Theory
  4. Immaturity- Maturity Personality
  5. Cognitive or Conscious Stages of Personality Development
  6. Trait Theories
  7. Allport’s Trait Theory
  8. Cattell’s Trait Theory
  9. Big five Personality Dimensions
  10. Socio- psychological Theory
  11. Social Learning Theory
  12. Albert Bandura Theory
  13. Carl Rogers Theory
  14. Personality type theory
  15. Sheldon’s Physiognomy Theory
  16. Karljung’s Personality Theory
  17. Holland topology of Personality
  18. Need Theory
  19. Holistic Theory
  20. Alder and Jung Theory
  21. B.F. Skinner Theory
  22. Personal Construct Theory

2.7 Various types of Personality traits influencing behaviour

2.8 The Dark Triad

2.9 Personality Measurement

2.10 Implications of Personality for Management

2.11 Personality traits of Indian managers

2.12 Mapping Personality to enhance Personal Effectiveness

Chapter-3 Perception- Meaning and Process

3.1 Concept of Perception

3.2 Nature of Perception

3.3 Definition of Perception

3.4 Stimulus

3.5 Differentiate Sensation from Perception

3.6 Steps in the Perceptual Process

3.7 Perceptual Mechanism

3.8 Factors affecting Perception

3.9 Perceptual errors and Distortions (During Interpretation Step)

3.10 Attribution Error

3.11 Perceptual Constancy, Perceptual Context and Perceptual Defence

3.12 Attribution Theory of Perception

3.13 Significance of Perception

3.14 Some applications of Perception in OB

3.15 How managers can use perception knowledge

3.16 Common biases and errors in decision making

3.17 Relations between Personality and Perception

3.18 Developing perceptual skills: How to minimise perceptual errors

3.19 Global Mindset

3.20 Management of the Perception Process

Chapter-04 Motivation: Concepts, Theories and Applications

4.1 Concept of Motivation

4.2 Definition of Motivation

4.3 Nature of Motivation

4.4 Motivation is a complex phenomenon

4.5 Importance of Motivation

4.6 Process of Motivation

4.7 Types of Motivation

4.8 Approaches to Motivation

4.9 Theories of Motivation

4.10 Integration of Contemporary Theories of Motivation

4.11 Cultural Context of Motivation

4.12 Contingency Approach to Motivation

4.13 Elements of sound motivation system

4.14 Motivational Pattern in Indian Organisations

4.15 Motivation of managers and workers may be different

4.16 Social Information Processing Theory

4.17 Morale- feature, types and factors

4.18 Morale and Productivity

Ch- 05 Leadership

5.1 Concept and Meaning of Leadership

5.1.1 Definition of Leadership

5.1.2 Leadership vs Managership

5.1.3 Leadership vs Non- leadership

5.1.4 Leadership vs Management

5.1.5  Leaders vs Managers

5.2 Characteristics of Leadership

5.3 Classification of Leadership

5.4 Functions of Leadership

5.5 Importance of Leadership

5.6 Leadership Styles

5.7 Continuum of leadership behaviour

5.8 Management System

5.9 Theories of Leadership

5.9.1 Trait Theory

5.9.2 Behavioural Theory

5.9.3 Situational Theory

5.10 Emerging Approaches to Leadership

5.11 Vroom-Yetton Model of Leadership

5.12 Difference between a Boss and a Leader

5.13 Leadership Styles in Indian Organizations

Ch-06    Quality of Work Life (QWL)

6.1 Meaning and Definition of Quality of Work Life

6.2 Origin of the concept

6.3 QWL in Indian Context

6.4 Scope of Quality of Work Life

6.5 Objectives of Quality of Work Life

6.6 Factors affecting Quality of Work Life

6.7 Barriers of Quality of Work Life

6.8 Principles of Quality of Work Life

6.9 Measures of Quality of Work Life

6.10 Techniques to improve Quality of Work Life

6.11 Models of Quality of Work Life

6.12 Importance of Quality of Work Life

6.13 Problems in improving Quality of Work Life

6.14 Suggestions for improving Quality of Work Life

Chapter- 7 Quality Circles (QC)- Meaning and their Importance

7.1 Meaning and Concept of QC

7.2 Feature of QC

7.3 Objectives of QC

7.4 Phases in developing a QC system in an organisation

7.5 QCs in India

7.6 Techniques used in QC

7.7 Advantages of QC

7.8 Disadvantages of QC

7.9 Problems and their solutions

7.10 Empowered Organisation

7.10.1 Collapsing the Hierarchy

7.11 Organisational citizenship behaviour

7.11.1 Concept of Organisational citizenship behaviour

7.11.2 Types of organisational citizenship behaviour or determinants of OCB

7.11.3 Predictors of OCB

7.11.4 Benefits of OCB

7.11.5 How to cultivate and develop OCB ?

7.12 Self- managed teams

Chapter 8- Management of conflicts in organization

8.1 Meaning & concept of organizational conflict

8.2 Definition of  Organisational Conflict

8.3 Difference between Conflict and Competition

8.4 Nature of Organisational Conflict

8.5 Sources of Conflict

8.6 Stages in Organisational Conflict

8.7 Views of Organisational Conflicts

7.7.1 Traditional view of conflicts

7.7.2 Human Realtionists view of conflicts

7.7.3 Interactionist view of conflicts

7.7.4 Difference between Past and Present View of Conflict

8.8  Relationship between Conflict and Organisational  Performance

8.9 Aspects of Conflicts

8.9.1  Good & Bad Aspects of Conflicts

8.9.2 Functions of (Positive outcomes) of Organisational Conflict

8.9.3 Dysfunctional aspects (Negative effects) of Organisational Conflict

8.10 Levels of Organisational Conflict

8.11 Conflict handling styles : by Thomas

8.12 Management of Organisational Conflict

8.13 Contingency Approach to Conflict Management

8.14 Agency Problem

8.14.1 Real-World Example of an Agency Problem

8.14.2 What Causes an Agency Problem?

8.14.3 How can you mitigate an agency problem?

8.15 Difference between Substantive conflict and Affective conflict

8.16 Rahim’s Criteria for Conflict Management

8.17 Conflict Management in India

8.18 Key Terms

Ch- 09 Transactional Analysis

9.1 Meaning of Transactional Analysis

9.2 Transactions

9.2.1 Meaning of transactions

9.2.2 Types of transaction

9.3 EGO States

9.4 Psychological Games

9.5 Life Positions

9.6 Stroke

9.7 Script Analysis

9.8 Uses and benefits of Transactional Analysis

9.9 Limitations of Transactional Analysis

9.10 Johari Window

9.11 Non- verbal Communication

Ch- 10 Organizational Effectiveness

10.1 Concept of Organizational Effectiveness

10.2 Definition of Organizational Effectiveness

10.3 Features of Organizational Effectiveness

10.4 Effectiveness and Efficiency : Difference & interrelationship

10.5 Measurement of Effectiveness

10.6 Approaches to Organisational Effectiveness

10.7 Factors influencing Organisational Effectiveness

10.8 Likert’s Model of Effectiveness

10.9 Adaptive Coping Cycle

Chapter- 11 Management of Change

11.1 Concept and Nature of Change

11.2 Levels of Change

11.3 Factors affecting Organisational Change

11.4 Types of Change

11.5 Planned Change

11.5.1 Factors in planned change

11.5.2 Objectives of Planned Change

11.5.3 Process of Planned Change

11.5.4 Kurt Lewin Model of Planned Change

11.6 Causes of Resistance to Change

11.7 Overcoming Resistance to Change

11.8 Group Dynamics for Change

11.9 Force Field Analysis

11.10 Change Agent

11.11 Adaptive Coping Cycle

11.12 Kotter’s 8 step model for change

11.13 Organisational Growth and Change

11.13.1 Griner’s five stages of growth

11.14 Organisational Development

11.14.1 Concept of OD

11.14.2 Meaning of OD

11.14.3 Characteristics of OD

11.14.4 Objectives of OD

11.14.5 Benefits of OD

11.14.6 Limitations of OD

11.14.7 Steps in OD

11.14.8 OD Interventions

11.14.9 Some Salient features in OD

Organization Behavior Micro Topics List for UPSC Commerce & Accountancy Optional


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